How to Increase the Attractiveness of Your Property with Amenities

  • 4 years ago

Are you a property manager who wants to attract and keep the best possible tenants to your properties? One way you can do that is by offering some of the best amenities in your area.

Most landlords offer at least one or two perks to attract renters. However, if your property doesn’t offer enough of the right kinds of attractions, you may find that your tenants leave after only a year or two.

Here’s how to attract the best renters for your property by staying competitive when it comes to property perks.

What Most Renters Want

Property managers rely on their amenities to attract new renters. Most renters prefer to have a washer and dryer, extra parking, and a patio or balcony space, at a bare minimum. Many others insist on looking for a dishwasher in the kitchen, updated appliances, a mailroom, pet allowances, a gym, a party room or game room, and a swimming pool.

Some apartment complexes also have hot tubs and dog parks for their inhabitants.

The bottom line is that if your property doesn’t offer the right amenities for your area, you’re going to lose renters. So, it’s important to know what most renters expect for the amount they’re paying, and in your location.

Since almost everyone has to have internet access today, it’s also helpful for apartment complexes to offer free Wi-Fi and a technology room with printers and smart TVs. Curated outdoor spaces like landscaped gardens and patios are another extra feature that adds to the appeal of your property and helps tenants feel that they’re getting a lot for their rent.

How Security Adds Value

Having a top-notch security system will go a long way towards increasing your property’s appeal. Most apartment residents worry about their security, even in nicer neighborhoods. Sometimes living in an apartment complex can present more safety challenges and stress for tenants than living in a single-family home.

If you feel that security concerns might be an issue for some of your tenants or prospective renters, take action. It’s helpful to install security cameras around your buildings and inside public areas like the mailroom.

Having regular security monitoring is also a smart idea. If there’s no one on staff to do security patrols, consider hiring an outside company to help you keep an eye on things.

Develop a Reputation for Good Management Practices

One of the most important ways to establish value for your tenants is to provide good customer service and management practices.

For example, don’t allow neighbors to annoy each other. If a disturbance is brought to your attention, get a mediator involved and resolve the dispute.

Fix apartment maintenance issues quickly. Always call people back in a reasonable amount of time. Explain all small print and don’t allow your tenants to experience any nasty surprises that can be avoided.

If your management shows that you care, you’ll have everyone wanting to rent from you. In fact, you may even have to set up a waiting list.

Add and Improve Your Rental Property Amenities

For questions about how to attract the best tenants to your rental properties, get in touch with us. We have experienced property managers who can make recommendations based on our years of experience.

We’ll help you strategize how to improve your existing amenities as well as look for ways to add new ones. We can help improve your tenant relations and keep your tenants happy.

To speak with one of our property managers, contact us today.

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